Our 2nd Maker Faire event of the year has come to a close in Rome, and after speaking to hundreds of you about our PCIe HATs (losing our voices in the process) for the Raspberry Pi 5, we're excited going into 2025!
We had our full range of products on show, including the new HatDrive! PoE+, and upcoming Modulo 4, though as in Hannover, the GPU running 4K games on our uPCIty Lite was stole the limelight.
As a quick reminder too, we're running the discount code maker_faire_rome_2024 which will be valid until 00:00CET on the 31st of October 2024 across our entire range of products in the store. If you've been waiting for a reason to place an order, now's your time!
On the final day, we were surprised when we were given a "Maker of Merit" award by the organisers. The trophy will head back with us and find a nice home somewhere in the office, I'm sure.
One of the fun parts of these events is being able to go on adventures around the halls to see what all of the other makers have been up to and as always, we were very impressed.
It was also great to see so many younger people getting involved in projects, working on robots and object detection. The next generation of makers have a bright future ahead of them.
We've put together a few photos of our favourites as we explored the event below!